
No Dado artist photography students

Erwin Blumenfeld

Erwin Blumenfeld
1897 – 1969

Blumenfeld – an American photographer born in Berlin, emigrated to the USA in 1941 to escape Nazi persecution.

Blumenfeld was among the most successful and influential photographers of the 20th century.

One of his famous Vogue covers featured the face of a model pared down to her lips, eye and a single beauty spot.

Blumenfeld’s work was influenced by Dadaism and Surealism, he was always experimenting and produced a huge body of work including drawings, collages, portraits and nudes, celebrity portraiture, advertising campaigns and he changed how fashion photography was shot. He shot fashion for magazines like Harpers Bazaar, Life, and Vogue, shooting hundreds of covers, which effectively shaped the look of 1940s and ’50s America.