
Pierre Cordier

Pierre Cordier
Born Jan 28, 1933 in Brussels, Belgium.

Inventor of the ground breaking chemigram technique. A camera-less photographic technique which combines painting, science and photography.

The chemigram combines the physics of painting (varnish, wax, oil) and the chemistry of photography – photosensitive emulsion, developer, fixer; without a camera, without an enlarger, and in full light. Cordier’s abstractions entice us to enter imaginary worlds of form, line and colour.

Pierre Cordier was A former lecturer at the École Nationale des Arts Visuels in Brussels,

Cordier has exhibited internationally, including at MoMA in New York in 1967, the Musée d’Art Moderne in Brussels in 1988, the V&A in London in 2010, and the Armory Show & AIPAD in New York in 2011. His retrospective exhibition in 2007 called Cinquante ans du chimigramme at the Musée de la Photographie Charleroi in Belgium highlighted his work with chemigram over the past fifty years.